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SPIXIANA Archive  — SPIXIANA Supplement —  Author Guidelines

SPIXIANA is published by the Zoologische Staatssammlung München

SPIXIANA (ISSN 0341-8391) publishes peer-reviewed articles in zoology, preferably in the fields of taxonomy, morphology, phylogenetics, zoogeography and methodology. One volume with two issues is published annually. Extensive contributions (monographs) are published on request in the SPIXIANA Supplement volumes.

After publication, PDF files of all articles are made available for research purposes.

Impact Factor 2023/24: 0.6


Michael Matschiner


Michael Matschiner, Roland Melzer, Michael Raupach, Frank Glaw (from April 2025), Michael Schrödl

E-Mail: spixiana@snsb.de

Editorial office

Angela Pillukat

Editorial Advisory Board

Michael Balke, Axel Hausmann, Lars Hendrich, Bernhard Ruthensteiner, Ulrich Schliewen, Andreas Segerer, Martin Spies, Markus Unsöld, Anneke van Heteren


Pfeil-Verlag, Munich