Section Coleoptera
Systematic highlights
i.e. groups rich of species or types, or of special historical value:
- Alleculidae
- Anthicidae
- Anthribidae
- Brenthidae
- Carabidae (incl. larvae collection E. Arndt)
- Cerymbycidae
- Chrysomelidae (incl. Larven)
- Cicindelidae
- Coccinellidae
- Curculionidae
- Dytiscidae
- Elateridae
- Gyrinidae
- Haliplidae
- Meloidae
- Nitidulidae
- Scarabaeidae (especially Cetoniinae)
- Tenebrionidae
- Zopheridae (Monommatini)
Geographic highlights
- Western Palaearktics
- South America
- Africa (in particular East Africa and South Africa)
- Australia
- New Guinea
Research projects of Michael Balke

IndoBioSys – Indonesian Biodiversity Discovery and Information System
Indonesian Biodiversity Discovery and Information System Indobiosys is a German-Indonesian research project (2015-2018). The project is coordinated at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin in collaboration with the Zoologische Staatssammlung München and the Research Center for Biology – LIPI in Cibinong, Indonesia. All institutions look back to a longstanding and fruitful research cooperation for more than […]

Diving Beetles of Thailand
This project is carried out by Wisrutta Atthakor (Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand) and Michael Balke and Lars Hendrich, ZSM Munich based on a DFG funded initiation of international cooperation project. Helena Shaverdo (Naturhistorisches Museum Vienna, Austria) joined as a taxonomic expert and supports training and capacity building. Project website: