Section Lepidoptera
Research projects with external funds or in cooperation with other institutions
- Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) – BIOSCAN-Europe
- DNA barcoding Lepidoptera (iBOL WG 1.9)
- Barcoding Fauna Bavarica (BFB)
- Barcoding Fauna Germanica (GBOL)
- Barcoding African Geometridae
- Barcoding Pyraloidea
- ThaiBOL
- Evaluation And Development Of Attractive Toxic Sugar Baits (ATSB) For Control Of Anopheline Malaria Vectors In Africa. Non Target Organisms (Lepidoptera of Mali)
- Geometridae Mundi
- Spurensuche nach Gondwanaland-Relikten: Die Geometridae (Insecta: Lepidoptera) der Nothofagus-Wälder in Chile und Tasmanien
- Global Information System Geometridae (GBIF/GlobInG)
- Geometrid Moths of Europe
- Global Information System Zünslerfalter (GBIF/GLOBIZ)
- Pyraloidea von Kreta
- Lepidoptera of Israel
- Virtuelle Sammlung
Research projects of Axel Hausmann
A. Systematics, Integrative Taxonomy
- Monography of the Geometridae of Europe (see drittmittelfinanziertes Projekt “Geometrid Moths of Europe”, BIOLOG/EDIS/INGE)
- Integrative phylogeny and integrative taxonomy of Geometridae (cooperation AToL; iBOL)
- Taxonomy of Geometridae: Revision of some Sterrhinae genera und species groups worldwide (Idaea, Rhodostrophia, Glossotrophia, Scopula, etc.)
B. Development of Information Systems, Molecular Identification, Biodiversity Ressources
- DNA barcoding Lepidoptera (iBOL WG 1.9) (Lead of the AllLeps project, Geometridae campaign, cooperation with Paul Hebert, Canada)
- Barcoding Fauna Bavarica (BFB)
- Barcoding Fauna Germanica (GBOL)
- BIOSCAN Europe (BGE)
- www-based information system on Geometridae (“GlobInG”) with inventory of type specimens stored in German collections (supported by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF).
- International research coordination Geometridology (see Forum Herbulot)
- Molecular identification of larvae by gut content analysis (Neotropical Geometridae)
C. Zoogeography, Faunistics
- Gondwanaland distributions, Geometridae on Nothofagus (cf project “Hunting Gondwanaland-relicts: The Geometridae (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of the Nothofagus-forests in Chile and Tasmania”)
- Studies on the fauna (Geometridae) and on zoogeographical distribution patterns in the Mediterranean, focused on Israel, Oman, Yemen, Egypt, Cyprus, Crete, southern Italy and Sicily.
- Faunistical, ecological and statistical analysis of long-term-results from Bavarian light traps, continuation of the long-term-monitoring projects in the north of Munich focussed on the dynamics of moth species spectra
- Animals of the Bible. Interdisciplinary and interreligious cooperation with the Hebrew University Jerusalem (Dr. G. Müller), Prof. Dr. R. Lapide ( Frankfurt) and the Diocesy of Munich
Research projects of Andreas Segerer
A. Systematics, Integrative Taxonomy
- Monography of Phycitinae and Pyralinae of Europe (Pyraloidea: Pyralidae), including molecular characterisation (Cooperation project in the context of the book series “Microlepidoptera of Europe”, jointly with Matthias Nuss, Dresden).
B. Development of Information Systems, Molecular Identification, Biodiversity Ressources
- DNA barcoding Lepidoptera (iBOL WG 1.9) (cooperation with Axel Hausmann, Munich, and Paul Hebert, Canada)
- Barcoding Fauna Bavarica (BFB, cooperation with Paul Hebert, Canada; multiple collaborations with other European and global barcoding campaigns, e.g., Lepidoptera of the Alps – P. Huemer, Innsbruck; Lepidoptera of Finland – M. Mutanen, Oulu; Gracillariidae of Europe – Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde, Orleans; Nepticulidae of Europe – E. v. Nieukerken, Leiden; Pyraloidea global – M. Nuss, Dresden). Management and coordination of the Microlepidoptera of Bavaria (~2000 species). Central databasing of the BFB project. Interfaces for efficient data exchange with BOLD.
- Barcoding Fauna Germanica (GBOL, cooperation with Paul Hebert, Canada))
- Barcoding of Pyraloidea (cooperation with Paul Hebert, Canada, and Matthias Nuss, Dresden)
- Internet-based Global Information System Zünslerfalter (GBIF / GloBIZ): Digital systematic and synonymic world catalog of Pyraloidea.
C. Zoogeography, Faunistics
- Pyraloidea of Crete – Revision of the snout moths of Crete (granted by the Crocallis Foundation)
- Exploration of the fauna and zoogeographic relationships in the Mediterranean (Pyraloidea)
- Microlepidoptera of Bavaria ( faunistics; population dynamics, in particular of Zygaenidae and leaf miners; Microlepidoptera as bioindicators – cooperation with the Schuztgemeinschaft Ammersee Süd e.V.)
- Pyraloidea and Nolidae of Perú (Cooperation with the project “Research Station Panguana” and Gerardo Lamas, Lima)
- Long-term faunistical investigations in the area of Ratisbon (focus: population dynamics and niches of Microlepidoptera; Bestandsdynamik und Einnischung von Mikrolepidoptera; Lepidoptera in the nature reserve “Am Keilstein” (300.08) including scientific evaluation of the records of ~250 years of comprehensive faunistic data collection).
Research projects of Wolfgang Speidel
- Publication project “Noctuidae Europaeae”
- Systematics and Taxonomy of Bombyces, Noctuidae and Pyralidae
- DNA Barcoding type specimens and biodiversity from Bombyces of the Thomas Witt Museum
- Web präsentation South-America (Lepidoptera Neotropica) of the Museum Witt in Cooperation with Thomas Witt, Munich, Thomas Greifenstein, Pfaffenhofen and Vladimir Nazarov, St. Petersburg.
Research projects of Ulf Buchsbaum
- Studies on the lepidopterous fauna of Sumatra, focussed on moths, mainly Drepanidae and some further selected taxa Rearrangement of the drepanid collection with accompanying studies
- Neuaufstellung und Bearbeitung der Familie Drepanidae
- Preparation of a complete check-list for Drepanidae
- Distribution of Leptidea sinapis and L. reali in southern Bavaria, Thuringia and Istria
- Study of the material collected in expeditions to Irian Jaya, Sumatra, Borneo and other different regions from Southeast Asia focussed on Drepanidae, genera Vitessa Moore, [1860] (Pyralidae) and Cerace Walker, 1863 (Tortricidae)
- Participation in the working group Insect fauna of Thuringia with responsibility for several families, e.g. Zygaenidae
- Study of the material collected in expeditions to Taiwan focussed on Drepanidae
Scanning EM projects
REM-Projekte der Sektion Lepidoptera
Schmetterlingseier der Gattung Idaea Schmetterlingseier von Idaea serpentata (links) und Idaea filicata (rechts) (Geometridae, Spanner; Foto M. Junker). … wie ein Ei dem anderen gleicht – das gilt nicht für Schmetterlingseier, denn hier sind die Oberflächenskulpturen häufig arttypisch und von großem Interesse für die Zoologen. In der Schmetterlingssektion der ZSM wurde entdeckt, dass man mittels […]