Drawer digitisation project
Section Hymenoptera
DScan – an innovative, high-performance digital scanning system for entomological collections
Central aspect of our collection digitisation initiative is the drawer digitisation project. We are currently developing and testing a prototype of a drawer digitisation system that is developed in cooperation with engineers of the Technisches Büro München. The system is based on industrial grade CNC technology and employs step controllers, servo controllers and direct drives by isel (cnc-maschinen.isel.com). All components are industrial strength and the system is highly configurable and complies with industrial (ISO) standards. Results include high-resolution images of entomological (and other) drawers.
The DScan development is part of the German Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF-D) initiative. GBIF-D is funded by the BMBF – the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Have a look at our YouTube video to see the system in action!